Join us for Sunday services live or on Zoom at 11:30 am unless otherwise noted.

Universalist Unitarian Congregation of St. Johnsbury
47 Cherry Street, St. Johnsbury, Vermont
A Member of the Unitarian Universalist Association

Our home at 47 Cherry Street in St. Johnsbury.

One of the beautiful, tall windows in the sanctuary.


Our home at 47 Cherry Street in St. Johnsbury.
Feb. 16 - Torture Numbers and They Will Confess to Anything -- Rev. Barnaby reflects on why there appear to be no numbers in our principles and values statements while they are everywhere in our struggles to make the world more just, compassionate and beautiful.
Who We Are
We are brave, curious, compassionate thinkers and doers. Diverse in faith, ethnicity and history, we build a community that changes lives.
What We Are Doing
Standing for love, justice and peace since 1868, we gather for worship, programs and special events.
Get Involved
Bring your passion and desire to see change. Be prepared to exercise your mind and open your heart. Together we can do the most good.