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Community Outreach and Assistance

Community Lunch Program


The Saturday Community Lunch is held at the Universalist Unitarian Church from 11:00 am – 12:15 pm.  This is part of the Community Lunch Program sponsored by Kingdom Community Services in St. Johnsbury.  These lunches are free (donations accepted but not expected) and open to all.  They are designed to feed the hungry regardless of ability to pay, to provide a social opportunity for the lonely, and to build community among all people in the area.  Most Saturdays there is bread and other food that people can take home or share with their neighbors.  We open our doors early and people gather to drink coffee and chat before the meal.  Others spot jobs that need doing and help us be ready to serve on time.  The meal is a joint effort of many people.


Volunteers are needed each week to collect donated food during the week, help prepare the food on Saturday morning, to serve the food and eat with the other diners, and finally to clean up after the meal.  If interested in volunteering for any of these tasks, please contact Daisy McCoy 808-214-3068 or

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Affordable Healthcare in Vermont 

Senior Care in Vermont

Assisted Living / Senior Housing

Stair Lift Information


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Social Responsibility

VT League of Women Voters

Vermont Interfaith Action

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